Timber Frame Bents
PROJECT - Three Timber Hammer Bent Frame Trusses with connecting girts forming a space of 20 ft. x 30 ft. with a cathedral ceiling 24 ft. high. Each frame truss is comprised of douglas fir 8 x 10 posts with 6 x 10 hammer girts & posts; 6 x 10 anchor beam, principal rafters, and 4 x 12 curved knee braces. 8 x 8 purlins form the gable roof system. This project employs centerline, square-rule layout on virtually corrected timbers allowing for precise joinery on bowed, twisted or tapered wood. The tenon, housing and Fat result in strong, accurate joinery.
Instructor: James Mitchell
STUDENTS - Vincent Ardley Calgary, Alberta
Silvio Bencina Burlington, Ontario
Torrey Culligan Portland, Oregon
Ben Gerson Vancouver, British Columbia
Ryan Greene Madison, Wisconsin
Seug Joo Kang (Alex) Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do (South Korea)
Ron Mulligan Grand Prairie, Alberta
Louie Modling Catsprings, Texas
Zachary Murdoch Greenville, Rhode Island
Don Nickerson Port Hardy, British Columbia
Keith Point Chillawack, British Columbia
David Rogers Sutton, Ontario
Tyler Salle Barriere, British Columbia
Myron Teneycke Shirley, British Columbia
Nick Waldner Mudge Island British Columbia
Our enthusiastic core group was joined by Ben, Keith, Nick and Louie.
In keeping with the last course (Post and Beam) this group raised their structure a day early. The Guys worked hard and finished with a beautiful structure. Good work all.
Leaving us are Torrey, Ben, Ron, Keith, Tyler, Myron, Nick and Louie. Good luck with everything guys. Well miss you.